PhD in Advanced Biotechnology
PhD in Advanced Biotechnology
Interuniversity Programme, shared by the University of A Coruña and University of Vigo
The doctorate program in Advanced Biotechnology aim to train professional researchers in several fields of biotechnological research and make up a competitive, homogeneous, well structured and high quality offer. The main objective is to prepare students to be able to complete a theoretical, methodological and investigatory training in multidisciplinary Biotechnology, which eventually lead to the elaboration and public defence of a complex, original, and innovative doctoral thesis.
Our Differential Value in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of A Coruña

Why study this programme?
Innovation is essential in both environmental and industrial biotechnology for sustainable production of products (chemicals, fuels, etc.) and enable novel bioprocesses. The Advanced Biotechnology doctorate program provides original research in the biotechnology field.
News & Notes about this PhD
Anuncio de búsqueda de candidatos apra contratos PFIS
El grupo de Oncología Médica Traslacional del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) y el Hospital Clínico de Santiago (CHUS), liderado [...]
Title: Production of biofuels (ethanol, butanol, hexanol) from renewable sources Ph.D. candidate: Fernández Naveira, Ánxela Official doctoral program: 5012V01 - Official Program of Doctorate [...]
Technologies Used
Animal and plant cellular cultures
- Animal models
- Barconding
- Biochemistry and DNA recombinant techniques
- Bioresource recovery
- Chromatography
- Experimental surgery
- Gas treatment
- Gene editing
- Genomics
- Histomorphology
- Interactomics
- Metagenomics
- Microbial cultures
- Microscopy
- Mutagenesis
- Proteomics
- Tissue engineering
- Transcriptomics
- Waste and wastewater treatment
- Zonal electrophoresis
Access to research groups
It is possible to develop the Doctoral Thesis in the research groups attached to the Faculty of Sciences or in the associated Advanced Scientific Research Center (CICA), but also in prestigious research groups external to the University of A Coruña, Biomedical Research Institute (INIBIC), Agricultural Research Center (CIAM), and Marine Research Institute (CSIC), prior authorization of the Academic Commission.
11 places
Offered each academic year
EHEA students
200,00 €/ year
Non-EHEA students
300,00 €/ year
Academic Tutelage
Administrative Taxes
Career and Academic Opportunities
The aim of this Doctorate Program is to create highly qualified professionals to meet the increasing demand by biotechnological companies, researchers able to develop high quality research with worldwide exposure and able to lead research groups and R&D departments of public research centers and private companies.

Training activities
The doctoral training will be based on specialized seminars, scientific congresses and research stays abroad, as well as on an intense investigatory training oriented towards the elaboration of the Doctoral Thesis.

Research Lines
> Treatment and biotransformation of industrial effluents (liquids, gases) to bioproducts
> Management and treatment of organic wastes, composting, minimisation of waste and clean technologies
> Biobanks
> Search, expression, production and engineering of proteins with biotechnological applications
> Biotechnological Treatment of industrial wastes
> Physiologic mechanisms of resistance to diseases and development of plants
> Nutraceutical compounds in horticultural crops
> Systems biology
> Interdisciplinary research related to the quality control and assessment of the physicochemical properties of fuels and lubricants
> Implementation of the Total Quality Management and risks prevention in several fields
> Development and use of molecular markers and chromosome studies for the analysis of populations
> Reconstruction of genealogies and phylogenies
> Microbial Biotechnology
> Plant Biotechnology
> Healthcare Biotechnology
> Bioprocesses applied to “Green” chemistry and environment
> Analytical tools for the analysis and confirmation of chemical compounds of biotechnological interest
> Bioelectroanalysis: modified electrodes, bionanotechnology and applications
> Obtaining of new compounds and nanomaterials with biological applications
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