PhD in Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology
PhD in Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology
Interuniversity programme, shared by the Universities of Santiago de Compostela, Vigo and A Coruña
This PhD Programme has the aim of train researchers in the fields of basic and applied Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, with an interdisciplinary approach. With this perspective, the programme includes researchers from differente knowledge areas from the fields of Neurobiology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical and Health Psychology and Psychiatry. The programme is expected to provide technical training and knowledge to research in these fields, and to provide a framework for interaction and relationship among the PhD students. It aspires to promote an integrative and multidisciplinar scientific space to the study of the brain, from morphologic, estructural, functional, computational and developmental approachs, as well as its reciprocal relation with psychosocial variables. This must contributes to the understanding of human behaviour and the developing of preventive and therapeutical strategies to treat the main neurological and psychiatric disorders.
This Programme takes part from the ‘Network of European Neuroscience Schools’ (NENS), a structure within the FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) that offers information about postgraduate training in Neuroscience and promotes cooperation among European training programmes.
Our Differential Value in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of A Coruña

30 places
Offered each academic year: 6 UDC, 18 USC and 6 UVigo
EHEA students
200,00 €/ year
No EHEA students
300,00 €/ year
Academic Tutelage
Administrative Taxes