Yearly Archives: 2018


Thesis defence

Tania García Lamas defended her PhD Thesis “Analysis of capsinoids in galician pepper cultivars and characterization of their properties for plant protection”. José Díaz Varela and Javier Veloso Freire directed the work. [...]

2019-02-04T16:23:44+00:00 December 17th, 2018|Cellular and Molecular Biology|

Thesis defence

Natalia Fernández Bertolez defended her PhD Thesis “Comparative study of toxicological effect of iron oxide nanoparticles in human nerve cells”.  Blanca Laffon Lage and Vanessa Valdiglesias García directed the work. The Thesis [...]

2019-02-04T16:15:26+00:00 December 10th, 2018|Cellular and Molecular Biology|

Thesis defence

Alba García Ulloa defended her PhD Thesis “Caracterización funcional de la última etapa de la biosíntesis de ligninas mediante la sobre-expresión de peroxidasas en plantas modelo”. Esther Novo Uzal and Federico Pomar [...]

2019-02-04T16:13:47+00:00 November 23rd, 2018|Cellular and Molecular Biology|

Thesis Defense

Congratulations to Alberto García Fernández  for excellent defense of his PhD on November 8th , which was awarded with cum Laude and International Mention. The committee was comprised Prof.Dr. Francisco Fabregat Santiago (University Jaume [...]

2019-04-04T08:17:52+00:00 November 10th, 2018|Environmental and Fundamental Chemistry|

Thesis defence

Zeltia Torrecilla Pérez defended her PhD Thesis “Cytogenetic and molecular studies in Palaemon specie”. Ana María González Tizón and Andrés Martínez Lage directed the work. The Thesis has international mention and reached [...]

2019-01-22T10:12:19+00:00 October 11th, 2018|Cellular and Molecular Biology|