Thesis Defense
Laura Sanjurjo Lourés defended her PhD Thesis “Sobreexpresión de un gen de peroxidasa de vid como posible estrategia para la obtención de plantas tolerantes a patologías de la madera”. Federico Pomar Barbeito [...]
Laura Sanjurjo Lourés defended her PhD Thesis “Sobreexpresión de un gen de peroxidasa de vid como posible estrategia para la obtención de plantas tolerantes a patologías de la madera”. Federico Pomar Barbeito [...]
"Organismos Termófilos: fuente de recursos para la Biotecnología del siglo XXI" 11 y 12 de junio de 2018. Lugar: Club Financiero Atlántico (Avenida Salvador de Madariaga, 76 - 15008 A Coruña). Organizado [...]
25/05/2018 17:00 h Aula 1 - Planta 1, Hospital Materno Infantil, Xubias de Arriba, 84 Presentaciones Flash: Óscar A. Lenis Rojas (QUIMOLMAT): "El rutenio como potencial alternativa al platino en la quimioterapia [...]
Investigador Científico del CSIC. (CNB-CSIC) "Las herramientas CRISPR de edición genética en la investigación en enfermedades raras". 14/05/2018. 13:30 h. Salón de actos del CHUAC (4ª planta)
Date: 10th May 2018 Time: 12:00 Venue: Faculty of Sciences - Conference Room Speakers Dr. Raquel Ferreirós Martínez (PhD in Chemistry) Hospital de la Princesa (Madrid) “Chemists in Hospitals: Access via QIR” [...]
We receive Ángela Sánchez Prudencio from Murcia University, who will carry out a research stay in the EXPRELA group during two months with a FPI mobility fellow-ship.
Professors and investigators enrolled in this doctoral program should communicate to with copy to about incoming students, incoming professors or visiting researchers who are developing activities in the program.
All students enrolled in the Program are reminded that if they are going to do research stays outside the University of A Coruña, they must apply for CAPD permits for international or [...]
27/04/2018 17:00 h (CICA) Carlos Vaamonde (TCMR): "Papel del ácido sulfhídrico en la artrosis asociada a diabetes" Laura Fernández-García (Microbiology): "The importance of Toxin-Antitoxin systems in clinical pathogens" Adrián Varela (CellCOM): "Role [...]
Congratulations to Lorena Alonso Marañón who successfully defended her PhD Thesis on April 13th, being awarded with cum Laude and International Mention. The committee comprised Prof.Dr. Rosario Fernández Fernández (University of [...]