POST-doc position

POST-doc position

Postdoctoral position
Lab. Maria Eugenia Soriano

Department of Biology, University of Padova (Italy)

Mitochondria Pathophysiology Lab.

TelethonCariplo Project:

Molecular interactions and functional dissection of TMEM65: relevance for mitochondrial diseases

Background: Mutations in the mitochondrial protein TMEM65 induce fatal encephalomyopathy. Patient’s biopsy and in
vitro studies revealed a mitochondrial phenotype characterized by a lower mtDNA copy number and oxphos activity.
However, the function and molecular interactions of TMEM65 useful for understanding related diseases and developing
therapeutic strategies are mysterious. This project wants to investigate how TMEM65 impacts mitochondrial function by
using murine cell lines, and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs)derived neurons and corrected isogenic
controls generated from the unique patient available.

Candidate abilities: The candidate will work in vitro, generating transgenic murine cell lines, and human induced
pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs)derived neurons and corrected isogenic controls. These models will be used to study
mitochondrial function by confocal microscopy, TEM, genetic and biochemical approaches.

Where? University of Padova, Department of Biology

Padova is a beautiful University town with old traditions. The Department of Biology, is located at the Vallisneri building ,
close to Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine (VIMM). Established in 1222, the University has the oldest Medical
Faculty in the world with a great tradition of scientific excellence in mitochondrial research.

The lab is part of the Research Unit of Bioenergetic Organelles, and we share lab meetings and scientific discussions
with the research groups headed by Luca Scorrano, Elena Ziviani, Paola Costantini, and Marta Giacomello. Moreover,
mitochondrial research activity, meetings and collaborations are extended to other departments and Institutions such as
Citta della Speranza, VIMM, Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Collaborations: Prof. Bellin (Dep Biology,UniPD), Prof Rigoni (Dep Biomedical Sciences, UniPD), Prof.
Tarnopolsky (McMaster University, Ontario)

The fellowship is for 24 months, starting from JulySeptember 2023.

Salary: 1.670,71 euro/month (net).

Requisites: PhD or master degree in biology or similar, with 410 years of research experience.

If interested, please send your CV to

2023-04-25T07:40:47+00:00 April 25th, 2023|Cellular and Molecular Biology|