Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University, ORDER of December 31, 2020, joint of the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University and the and University and of the Second Vice-presidency and Regional Ministry of Economy, Enterprise and Innovation, by which the bases are established for the concession, in a competitive competitive competition, of the grants for the support of the pre-deducational stage in the universities of the Galician University System, in the public research organizations of Galicia of research of Galicia and other entities of the Galician R+D+i System, and it is proceeded to its call for its for the year 2021 (procedure codes ED481A and IN606).

/, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Environmental and Fundamental Chemistry, Environmental Science and Technology, Nanomedicine, Neurosciencie/Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University, ORDER of December 31, 2020, joint of the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University and the and University and of the Second Vice-presidency and Regional Ministry of Economy, Enterprise and Innovation, by which the bases are established for the concession, in a competitive competitive competition, of the grants for the support of the pre-deducational stage in the universities of the Galician University System, in the public research organizations of Galicia of research of Galicia and other entities of the Galician R+D+i System, and it is proceeded to its call for its for the year 2021 (procedure codes ED481A and IN606).

Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University, ORDER of December 31, 2020, joint of the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University and the and University and of the Second Vice-presidency and Regional Ministry of Economy, Enterprise and Innovation, by which the bases are established for the concession, in a competitive competitive competition, of the grants for the support of the pre-deducational stage in the universities of the Galician University System, in the public research organizations of Galicia of research of Galicia and other entities of the Galician R+D+i System, and it is proceeded to its call for its for the year 2021 (procedure codes ED481A and IN606).

Conv. das axudas predoutorais da Xunta de Galiza