Ya está disponible en la página WEB de EIDUDC el calendario académico para los estudios de doctorado en el curso 2018-19. En él encontrarás información relevante sobre plazos y normas aplicables al [...]
Ya está disponible en la página WEB de EIDUDC el calendario académico para los estudios de doctorado en el curso 2018-19. En él encontrarás información relevante sobre plazos y normas aplicables al [...]
28/09/2018 17:00 h Salón de actos del CICA. As Carballeiras, s/n. Campus de Elviña. 15071 A Coruña Flash: Verónica Torrijos (EnQA): "Depuración ecológica de aguas residuales mediante humedales construidos: experiencias en laboratorio" [...]
Jenyfer Fernández Pérez defended her PhD Thesis “Population genetic analysis and characterization of nuclear gene regions and mitogenomes in four european Donax species”. Josefina Médez felpeto directed the Thesis. The Thesis has [...]
Marta Varela Eirín defended her PhD Thesis “role of connexin43 in cell plasticity and tissue degeneration in osteoarthritis”, directed by María Dolores Mayán Santos and Mª De Los Ángeles Freire Picos. The [...]
Science Xpression is an activity organized by the INIBIC and the UDC that has the support of The Company of Biologist UK, the Spanish Society of Pharmacology, the CICA and the CIMUS. [...]
Congratulations to José Antonio Méndez Arredondo for excellent defense of his PhD Thesis on July 6th. It was awarded with cum Laude. The committee was comprised Prof.Dr. Rafael Seoane Prado (University Santiago de Compostela [...]
Aula 1 - Planta 1, Hospital Materno Infantil, Xubias de Arriba, 84 Presentaciones Flash: Valentina Calamia (Reumatología):"Predictive models for knee osteoarthritis patient stratification" Eva Gato (Microbiología): "Alternative therapies focused on decolonization interventions [...]
All students enrolled in the Program are reminded that they have to include their “Formation activities” at the “Virtual Secretary” and also to prepare the “Inform of Thesis progress” before September 14th.
Investigadora del Grupo de Melanoma del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Lugar: salón de actos del Hospital Teresa Herrera - Materno Infantil. Xubias de Arriba, s/n - 15006 A Coruña.
María Sánchez Flores defended her PhD Thesis “Frailty in the elderly: analysis of the relationship with genomic alterations and cell repair”. Vanessa Valdiglesias García and Blanca Laffon Lage directed the Thesis. The [...]