Postdoctoral position

//Postdoctoral position

Postdoctoral position

The candidate is expected to contribute his/her own ideas to the common goal of understanding how differences in mRNA life and subcellular protein and RNA localization contributes to the appearance of divergent cellular phenotypes. The candidate will perform original research in genomics and acquire the required experimental and computational skills necessary for the completion of the project. The candidate will use varied human cell models. The candidate will be responsible for integrating different kinds of biological information to answer relevant questions (i.e. genomics, microscopy, biochemical…). The successful candidate will take a strong llead in the experimental design and collaborate with other team members. The candidate is expected to communicate the scientific results by writing up scientific papers and attending scientific meetings. The ideal candidate is also expected to participate in the general duties of the team and to effectively communicate with scientists of very diverse backgrounds in a highly interdisciplinary and international environment. Working language is English.

Applicants to this position should have a PhD in Molecular Biology, Genomics, Biochemistry or related fields. The successful applicant should have experience interpreting biological data and experimentally testing their hypothesis. Previous experience in genomics, RNA biology and eukaryotic gene expression will be highly considered. A strong interest in interdisciplinary technology development, and novel and creative thinking abilities are essential. Preferred experience also includes familiarity with NGS method development, transcriptomics (RNA-Seq), RNA granules, RNA binding proteins, NGS data analysis and bioinformatics. Previous experience in cell biology methods will be meriting. Good interpersonal skills and ability to work in teams is essential. Applicants wishing to integrate experimental and computational biology approaches are encouraged to apply.

Please apply and find more information  using the following link:

Deadline 27 May 2023

Vicent Pelechano, PhD
Wallenberg Academy Fellow.
Principal Researcher and SciLifeLab Group Leader.
Karolinska Institutet (MTC)

2023-05-23T11:35:30+00:00 May 23rd, 2023|Cellular and Molecular Biology|