Esperanza Cerdan


About Esperanza

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So far Esperanza has created 182 blog entries.

Curso formativo

CIEMAT- CIBERONC organizan el V Curso de Genómica del Cáncer. El curso pretende ser guía para comprender la potencialidad de la genómica en el proceso desde el descubrimiento hasta la práctica clínica en [...]

2023-04-25T11:11:18+00:00 April 25th, 2023|Cellular and Molecular Biology|

POST-doc position

Post-doctoral positionLab. Maria Eugenia Soriano of Biology, University of Padova (Italy)Mitochondria Pathophysiology Lab. Project:"Molecular interactions and functional dissection of TMEM65: relevance for mitochondrial diseases"”Background: Mutations in the mitochondrial protein TMEM65 induce fatal [...]

2023-04-25T07:40:47+00:00 April 25th, 2023|Cellular and Molecular Biology|

1 post-doc position Connecting microbiota and neurodegenerative diseases

Interested candidates should send the following documentationto CV; A motivation letter; Areference letter.   Link to Investigo 2023:   Group page:

2023-04-14T08:16:53+00:00 April 14th, 2023|Cellular and Molecular Biology|